Tag: Books
The Antidote to Mental Atrophy
A recent piece in The Atlantic shocked me: even Ivy League students – those elite overachievers – are struggling to read deeply. Not scrolling. Not skimming. But focussing and engaging with a book. And it’s not just them. Many of us haven’t read a single book in the last year. Not one. When was the…
A Bookish Odyssey: My 2023 in Books
In 2023, I achieved my goal of reading 25 diverse books, from Viola Davis’ inspiring memoir to Andrew Chen’s insightful analysis of network effects. Highlights included Hilary Mantel’s transporting historical novel and Rosamund Young’s eye-opening account of animal lives. I also delved into finance, philosophy, and the music industry. Here’s to an epic 2024 filled…
Best of 2021
Every year I take a decent chunk of time to figure out how I grew, where I need to pay more attention, and who I want to become in the year ahead of me. Along the way I inevitably take stock of the books, podcasts, food, and more that nourished my mind and spirit. Here…